
Poem: Little Snail
Sight Words: is, at

Comprehension Strategy: This week we learned about a new choice; Read with Someone. We all practiced and decided the things we needed to do while at Read with Someone. Together we made our I-Chart with our expectations of what we need to do while at Read with Someone. We also learned how to pick a partner and how we need to sit while at Read with Someone. We learned the phrase EEKK, Elbow Elbow Knee Knee.

We also were able to learn about more word work choices. Students can now use magnadoodles to write their letters and sight words.

Accuracy: This week we continued learning about letters in the alphabet and the sounds they make. Each day we met the zoo phonics character, read the letter book, and made our circle map. The letters that we learned this week were Gg, Jj, Qq, Uu, and Ss.

Writing: In Writer's Workshop we are continuing our focus on handwriting. We are consciously thinking about holding our pencil the A-OKAY way while learning how to write the letter of the day. We then building fine motor strength by coloring and cutting our letter hat each day. Early finishers do a Fine Motor Boot Camp tray with activities that range from play-doh syringes, putty beads, hole punches, and more!

Math: This week in math we learned about positional words. These words include, but are not limited to: above, below, next to, beside, in front of, and behind. We watched a video that helped introduce the concept and then we practiced moving our stuffies wherever Mrs. Keller said! We also practiced identifying numbers 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Content: This week we reviewed our colors. Each day was a different color.
-On Monday we wore red, and painted a heart with red paint and Q-tips.
-On Tuesday we wore blue and tore blue paper to glue onto a balloon.
-On Wednesday we wore yellow and colored a sun with yellow crayons.
-On Thursday we wore green and used green markers to color a leaf.
-On Friday we wore our favorite color and read the story "My Favorite Color is Rainbow". After reading we made our rainbow craft.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we focused on the phrase "I Matter". We read a variety of books and one on day each kiddo finished the phrase "I like myself because..." I wrote their response on a label that they wore proudly on their shirt for the rest of the day. We also read The OK book with the guest teacher Mrs. Smith. On Friday we ended the week by reading the book "My Favorite Color is Rainbow". This book is about being who you are, which may mean a lot of things. The little arch in the story loved every bit of each color and what it meant that he decided instead of being on color, he would be rainbow. I ended the week by telling each kiddo that they should be proud of who they are because they are special and they should shine no matter what color is their favorite! 

Reading: Students will...
-learn the names and sounds to the following letters: Bb, Pp, Rr, Nn, and Mm.
-learn how to use the pictures to read words in a book. Students will learn about how to use their Eagle Eyes. 

WritingStudents will...
-continue to practice handwriting and learn how to form the letters Bb, Pp, Rr, Nn, and Mm. 

MathStudents will...
-learn about 2D shapes and their characteristics. 

ContentStudents will learn about illustrator Christopher Canyon. He will be visiting Mayflower Mill the last week of September!! 

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