Weather (Week 2)

Poem: Who Stole the Cookies
Sight Words: be, make

Comprehension Strategy: This week students learned about problem and solution. Identifying and understanding the main literary elements of a story such as character, setting, plot, and problem/resolution gives readers a process for storing information to remember and to comprehend what the story is about. This knowledge will also help students as they are writing stories.

Questions you can ask when reading with your child may include:
-“What is the problem of the story? Find where that happened in the story.”
-“How has the problem been resolved? Find where that happened in the story.”

Word Families: The word families that we learned about this week were the -ea and -ee word families. We first started by watching a video that explained that when 2 vowels are together we say the first one we see. It makes a long vowel sound. These families are also tricky because they both sound the same. We practiced reading these words and writing them.

Vocabulary: This week we read the story "Nicky and the Rainy Day". The words that we learned about were blizzards, cliffs, boring, impossible, jungle, and meadow. As a vocabulary review we drew a picture of something that would be impossible using the app Draw and Tell.

iPads: This week students continued learning about weather with Pebble Go and then used Adobe Voice to recall information about their weather topic. Check out their finished products below!

Students also used Popplet to write information about a weather topic.

Writing: This week for Mechanics Monday we learned about pronouns. We started by watching a video learning that pronouns are words that replace proper nouns and include we, they, it, she, he, I, etc. We had pre-made sentences that we changed the proper noun to a pronoun. They did great with this skill by verbally changing sentences of their own!

Throughout the week we continued our opinion writing unit. We started by watching a movie trailer and writing a movie review as a class. After watching the trailer to Boss Baby we wrote if we thought others should go see the movie. Students worked on this process at their seats after seeing the correct way of filling out their planning page. We also made a list of possible movies and tv shows that we could write an opinion about upon finishing our Boss Baby writing.

Math: This week we spent time practicing and learning ways to make 10. We showed ways to make 10 by using tens frame paddles and number bonds. By using a tens frame students use different color counters to show the 2 ways to make 10 by filling in the tens frame. A number bond is another way to show our addition sentence with the missing addend.

Vocabulary: This week our vocabulary word was Number Bond. Students explained that a number bond is a picture that shows an addition problem.

iPads: This week students used the app Doodle Buddy to show ways to make 10. Students started by scanning a QR code with a missing addend. (8 + __ = 10) Students used Doodle Buddy to figure out the answer. The background was a picture of a tens frame that they filled in using picture stamps.

Content: This week we continued our unit on weather. Students made weather hats that had a variety of weather conditions and we also completed a class popplet of what we wished it would rain. Students used book creator to create themselves eating the food it was raining.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we learned about the importance of having humor in our lives. We started the week with a chart of when it is appropriate to laugh and times when it is not appropriate. Then we watched a story of Howard B. Wigglebottom and how too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. We applied this to a situation that might be funny, but if we take it too far it could hurt the feelings of a friend or turn into a bad situation. We ended the week with sharing funny things from home and watching a few funny videos that just made us Laugh Out Loud! 

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -oa and -ui word families. 
-visualize while listening to a story. 

WritingStudents will...
-learn about using fancy words in writing.
-review opinion writing. 

MathStudents will...
-learn about decomposing numbers.
-showing 2 different ways to make a number 1-9. 

ContentStudents will begin learning about insects. This is a 2 week unit that allows students to observe real butterflies! 

Weather (Week 1)

Poem: The Hokey Pokey
Sight Words: your, out

Comprehension Strategy: This week our comprehension strategy was to analyze how characters change within a story. Identifying and understanding the main literary elements of a story such as character, setting, plot, and problem/resolution gives readers a process for storing information to remember and to comprehend what the story is about. This knowledge will also help students as they are writing stories. We started by reading the story, "The Rain Came Down". The characters at the beginning of the story were angry because of the rainy weather and by the end of the story the rain had stopped and everyone was happy!

Word Families: This week we brainstormed lists, wrote and read words in the -ide and -ice word families. Each Monday and Tuesday we started by watching a video and brainstorming a list, then we use Google Slides to practice writing those words and checking our spelling. We have been getting really good and remembering the bossy e at the end!

Vocabulary: This week we read a story that went along great with our weather theme! The title is "Storm is Coming". The words that we learned were guard, huddle, nodded, pasture, silent, and stampede. We found these words in our story on Tuesday and on Thursday reviewed a few using iMovie. It was so much fun!

iPads: For ipad choice this week students dove into the weather theme by creating a variety of weather projects. We started with Telestory which puts the students as a weather forecaster. Students used weather cards to help them come up with a variety of weather scenarios that they could report. Check out a few of our weather reports!

We also did some app smashing with a few of my favorites! Students used PebbleGo to research a weather topic. Then they went into Adobe Voice and made a video with facts about their weather topic. This project will get extended to next week during weather.

Writing: This week we started our Opinion Unit. We started the week off with watching the OREO video. This explains the writing process of an opinion writing piece. After watching we talked about what an opinion is and played the game "Would You Rather?" This is a great game to learn the concept of an opinion and we all may think and choose something different and that's okay. Later in the week we reviewed the OREO video and worked together as a class to use our planning page to convince the teacher to bring in OREO's. Students then watched as we took the planning page and wrote the final opinion writing page.

Math: This week in math we learned about the different ways to make 10. We started by using a visual rainbow to show each way to make 10. Then we practiced showing ways to make 10 throughout the week using rekenreks, ten frame paddles, and learning a new math with someone game called Bears in a Cave. This game allows one student to hide bears under a cup "cave". The other student works at determining how many are in the "cave" by counting the number of bears that are out in the open. Students know that there are 10 bears total.

Vocab: This week students explained the word sum. The word sum is the total number once you add together. We used an addition sentence to learn about the word sum.

iPads: This week students reviewed graphs and made a graph book using Book Creator. Students started by using a template sent to them in Doodle Buddy and rolling a dice with shapes. The first graph to create was a picture graph. When rolling a shape, students practiced drawing that shape. The second graph was a bar graph that they colored in each time they rolled that shape. Students saved each graph and then put into Book Creator while explaining each graph and the information recorded.

Content: This week was our first week learning about weather. Students started by brainstorming a list of weather words after reading a story together. We learned about different types of weather and shared about experiences. We also learned about the water cycle and conducted an experiment with water, shaving cream, and blue dye. This demonstration showed how the water cycle works and was a visual for students to see how clouds get heavy with water which causes precipitation. We also talked about and illustrated cause and effect with different weather conditions.

The week ended on a fun note with some St. Patrick's Day fun! We started by learning about the festive day from Pebble Go and making a web using Popplet of information we learned. We completed a writing activity that had us thinking about where we would hide gold if we were a leprechaun. Students loved this writing activity because students were able to see themselves as a leprechaun! In the afternoon we ended with a Shamrock Hunt which led us to skittles and we worked on a leprechaun beard craft! Students also loved enjoying the magical snack of ice cream with lucky charms sprinkled on top!

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. 

This week we continued discussed having a growth mindset. We started the week by reading, "Giraffes Can't Dance". We then made a list of things that we can't do yet, but are still working on. We read the story, "A Squiggly Story" and talked about how the boy did not stop trying to write a story even though he got stuck. We sorted cards into growth mindset and fixed mindset. We also did an activity where students were given directions on how to build a paper airplane, but it was quick and many of them couldn't do it right away. We ended the week with singing and dancing to Zootopia's Try Everything. This song has a perfect message of trying even though we may fail. 

Reading: Students will...
-learn about words that have 2 vowels (ee and ea word families).
-identify problem and solution in stories.

Writing: Students will...
-learn about pronouns (he, she, we, they, I, me, it, etc.).
-learn and write movie reviews.

Math: Students will...
-use number bonds to show ways to make 10.

Content: Students will continue learning about weather and experimenting with a variety weather topics.