Nocturnal Animals

Poem: Bats!
Sight Words: do, had

Make sure you are practicing the sight words that are coming home. The ones your child should know at this time include:

  • I
  • a
  • see
  • the
  • can
  • we
  • is
  • at 
  • to 
  • me
  • it
  • look
  • up
  • my
  • will
  • have
  • do
  • has
  • had

Comprehension Strategy: This week we learned how to make a mental image while listening to a story. This is when we listen to the words and think about how the illustrator made the page look like in our heads without seeing the picture. We use the words "visualize means to take a picture in our head". This helps us think and understand what is happening in a story. 

To introduce this skill I showed the kids a box and described what was inside the box. They had to visualize and raise their hand when they thought they knew. I then had a kiddo come and feel the object and help describe the object. To practice this skill later in the week we listened to the poem "Big Green Giant". I read the poem the first time, the second time students drew the picture as I read again. 

 Accuracy: This week rhymed with the -et word family. We also introduced Stretchy Snake when we did our Word Hunt this week. Stretchy Snake is a strategy that helps remind us to stretch the sounds we hear and blend them together to read the word. Throughout the week we:

  • listened to our song.
  • brainstormed a list of words.
  • read words by going on a word hunt. 
  • wrote the beginning sounds to words using Write the Slide.

Vocabulary: This week for vocabulary we read the book Stellaluna and learned about the following words: swooped, clumsy, anxious, peculiar, limp, and clutched.

This week we learned the importance of labeling. A label is something we add to our picture to show the reader what is in the picture. We do this by adding the beginning sound of the object and writing it next to the object in our picture. This week we labeled our classroom and a page in our wordless picture book. Students then went out and also practiced labeling their story. 

Vocabulary: This week our words were cube. cylinder, cone, and sphere. We learned how many vertices and faces each shape had and the difference between 3D shapes and 2D shapes - 2D shapes are flat! 

Throughout the week we made our "What Does the Shape Say?" chart. Students were reminded how many faces and vertices make up each 3D shape. On Wednesday they chose a shape and made it into a fox shape. They had to circle the number of vertices and faces. We also had fun by dancing to the song "What Does the Fox Say?"

We also sorted pictures into each shape. Some were pictures of a box which is a cube and others were pictures of a basketball which is a sphere. We finished the week with a food shape sort. We talked about 2D shapes and 3D shapes and the difference between them. We took each food item and talked about if it was a 2D or 3D shape and which one by placing it on the shape on our food mat. 

Content: This week we began learning about nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals are animals that are awake at night. We started the week by watching a video and reading a book about nocturnal animals. Then we used pictures of animals and determined if they were nocturnal or diurnal. 

Throughout the week we continued learning about bats. We learned that bats live in caves and made our own caves using paper cups. 

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we finished our unit on friendship. We stared the week by reading an Elephant and Piggie book about sharing with a friend. We then practiced "sharing ice cream" with a friend. We talked about how a friends share. We then got the feel and pass around sand paper and a cotton ball. We talked about the difference in how both felt on our skin. We compared these items to words we use. Cotton ball words make us feel good, however sand paper words hurt our heart and do not feel good. 

  • November 11th-Veteran's Day Program @ 10:00AM
  • November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
  • December 23-January 6: Winter Break

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