Pilgrims and Native Americans

Poem: My Turtle
Sight Words: got, his

Comprehension Strategy: This week students analyzed characters within a read aloud. We analyze characters by asking: How does the character feel? Does the character change in the story? We read a few different stories during the week that helped us analyze characters. One of those stories was "The Littlest Pilgrim". Mini was sad that she couldn't help anyone at the beginning of the story, but then was happy because she found someone who was small like her.

We also learned about words in the -ig word family. We learned words from our prezi and then we also did our read and write. Students watched slides and brainstormed the missing word and practiced spelling the word on dry erase boards. Then we checked our work!

Vocabulary: This week we read the story, "Owl Moon" and added the following words to our expanded vocabulary chart: brave, statue, bright, shadow, minute, and echo.

We also did SNAP for the first time. Students pass the alligator and pull out a word. There is a combination of sight words and word family words. When they pull out a word then they say it aloud and pass it to the next person. There is also a few SNAP cards. When students pull this out, then all the cards go back in.

This week we learned how to shop for books. Now students will be able to switch out their own books at the start of their designated day. Students know that they will look and find their number on the board at the front of the room to know if it is their day. If their number is up, then after unpacking in the morning they will take out their old books and get new books to read during reading. They know they must have 3 good fit books (at their reading level) and 2 books to read the pictures.

iPads: This week students continued with RAZ-Kids to read, but we also added Partners in Rhyme. This is a great app that allows students to practice the skill of rhyming. For morning work students did recap for the first time followed by ABC Spelling Magic 1 from last week. Recap is an app where students watch a video of me asking a question. They then respond with a video of their own answering that question. This week students had to respond with if they liked bats or not. Check it out!

Writing: This week during Writer's Workshop we learned about the importance of starting each sentence with a capital letter. This is a big skill we focus on all year as we transition from using all capital letters to lower case letters throughout our sentence. We use sentences that did not start with a capital letter to fix during our whole group lesson.

Throughout the week we continued working on true stories. Students began their own true story this week writing the who, where and what happened across 3 pages with matching illustrations. We are also continuing to work on stretching out words. This is a tough skill that students learn and implement all year long. It is important to teach kiddos that it does not need to be perfect as long as they are sounding out the word and writing the sounds they hear.

Vocabulary: This week students learned about the words plus and number bond. We used a number bond each day with colored counters to show ways to make 1-5.

Each day we learned ways to make 1-5. We made a chart listing the ways to make that number and used colored counters with a number bond to show and figure out ways to make each number.

We also added a new math by myself choice where students used number bracelets to help record ways to make numbers 1-5.

This week we started Number of the Day during our Calendar/Math routine. During this time students record information on their sheet about a number.

iPads: This week students went to Numbers Pizza and worked on counting with 1:1 correspondence. Students are given a number of toppings and they count out that number and "make" each pizza.

Content: This week students learned about the pilgrim and indians. We started the week with reading stories and doing a pilgrim and indian sort to learn more. We then used pebblego to learn about Squanto which lead us to our final craft. Students made an ear of corn and they wrote something that they could teach a friend how to do, just like Squanto taught the pilgrims how to grow food and fish for food.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we learned about the skill of apologizing. We started the week off by listening to the story, "The Blame Game" and discussed how sometimes when we think it wasn't our fault we need to apologize anyway. We also learned about the 4 Step apology and practiced with different made up scenarios. We also used a chart to determine how we handle conflicts. We discussed the characteristics of a mouse, monster, and kid and talked about how we should always strive to respond like a kid. We finished the week with a short video about apologizing. 

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -it word family.
-check for understanding.

WritingStudents will...
-learn about what makes writing easy and hard to read.
-write true stories. 

MathStudents will...
-learn about positional terms.
-learn ways to make 6.

ContentStudents will learn about the 1st Thanksgiving. 

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