
Poem: I Have, You Have
Sight Words: have, will

Reading: This week our comprehension strategy was compare and contrast. When we compare and contrast we talk about how things are the same and different. We first talked about a cupcake and donut and how they are the same and different. We then used the app popplet to compare and contrast 2 Halloween stories read from the previous week. In weeks to come we will compare and contrast within the same story.

We also learned about words that belong in the -ed word family. We always start the week with a video/prezi and develop our list of words. Then we practiced blending the sounds to read each word.

We are also clapping the number of syllables in words. This is an accuracy skill that helps students understand how to pronounce words correctly and listen to the sounds they hear. We practiced clapping the syllables to Halloween costumes that they were on Monday. They had a lot of fun with this! Next week we will be using candy. Have your child bring in a piece of candy to clap the syllables and enjoy after!

Writing: We learned how to be a smarty speller this week! We learned that instead of asking the teacher right away we can say the word slow like a turtle, stretch it out like a snake, and write all the sounds we hear. We practiced stretching out words throughout the week.

We continued our True Story unit. This week I modeled writing a story about Grandparent's Day. Students went back to their table and wrote each page the same. This allows students to practice and understand the format and expectation in writing a true story. We even had a few kiddos that finished their story and uploaded them to Book Creator.

Math: This week in math we learned about 3D shapes. There are 4 3D shapes that we learn; cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere. We first watch a video to introduce the shapes, then we complete a chart to learn more about the characteristics. On Thursday we sorted pictures of 3D shapes and learned a new math by myself choice. Students are now practicing to sculpt 3D shapes using playdoh. Students have 3D shapes with them as guidance for what they should look like.

Content: This week students learned about the season fall and what leaves do in the fall. We made a chart about fall, went on a leaf hunt to find leaves, and did a leaf exploration on Thursday. We were able to get our leaves out and talk about why they change color in the fall.

Social Emotional Learning: This week we talked about the importance of being a good friend and not being bossy. We used the story The Recess Queen to talk about how Mean Jean was bossy to her friends. We made a character map to describe her, then made a character map for our class. We discussed the difference and also discussed scenarios and determined if the student was being a responsible friend or recess queen.

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -et word family.
-learn how to make a mental image.

Writing: Students will...
-learn about meatball and spaghetti spaces.
-brainstorm different aspects of a true story to help write their own book.

Math: Students will...
-learn about addition through number stories.
-learn and use the words add and plus.

Content: Students will...
learn about nocturnal animals focusing on owls and bats.

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