Community Helpers

Poem: Stretching Fun
Sight words: and, like

Reading: This week our comprehension focus was to identify the setting within a story. We started the week off by looking at a chart and talking what the setting is. The setting is where the characters are. Throughout the week we would discuss in the stories we read, what the setting was. In some it was a hospital. In other stories it was a fire station, Students also were shown the new work on writing page during reading which was a response explaining the setting from a story in the book box.

Our word family for the week was the -ad word family. We started the week by making a list of words and we went through the week by doing a word hunt and building -ad words.

We also worked on identifying beginning and ending sounds in words. We used picture cards to help us as we wrote the beginning and ending sounds that we heard in each word.

This week one of our vocabulary words was community. This was perfect since we spent the week talking about community helpers. We used an app called Educreations to include pictures of a community and a recording describing what a community is.

Writing: This week in writing we added a new goal to the writing board. We practiced using shapes and lines to draw a picture. Students practiced this skill by using dry erase boards to make pictures of people, houses, and more! We also worked on including the words the/a in our sentences, and writing 2 sentences on a page! We also completed our I-chart for Writer's Workshop at the beginning of the week to review procedures and expectations.

Math: In math our vocabulary word was pattern. We independently added the vocabulary word to our math journal on the app book creator. Each day that the kiddos use iPads, they first complete Number of the Day in their math journal, then do the focus app for the week. Students this week worked with Numbers Pizza to help with counting and recognizing numbers. They LOVED working with this fun app!

Throughout the week students talked about patterns and explained different patterns. We practiced creating and finishing patterns using fall symbols, Doodle Buddy, and a new app called Learning Patterns. This app will be the math focus for iPads next week! We also added a pattern choice to Math by Myself.

Content: This week our focus was community helpers! We learned about a variety of jobs in our community that help keep the community going. We heard from a veterinarian, a police officer, and a nurse. Throughout the week students were also given the opportunity to share what they wanted to be when they grow up. When we talked about police officers, we even talked about the tools they need to be successful at their job with a picture chart. At the end of the week, students used their picture to create a finished craft of what they want to be when they grow up. The display is ready for parents as they make their way to school next week for conferences. On each craft is a QR code that is linked to a video of each student!

Reading: Students will...
-learn what text features are and where they can be found.
-identify middle sounds in CVC words.
-list words that belong to the -am word family.

Writing: Students will...
-write beginning and ending sounds for unknown words.
-start their sentences with words other than "I". (the, we, see)
-practice using sight words in writing.

Math: Students will...
-learn about sorting and practicing sorting in a variety of ways.

Content: Students will learn about fire safety. We will have a special visit from a real life fire fighter who will share about his job. We will also talk about how to stay safe when there is a fire threat. Be sure to finish your Fire Safety Plan over the weekend for Monday! 

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