Weather (Week 2)

Poem: Who Stole the Cookies
Sight Words: be, make

Comprehension Strategy: This week we have been recalling the problem and solution in stories. The problem is something that happens in a story that the character(s) struggle with; something that is wrong. The solution is how the problem is fixed. Throughout the week we read a variety of books including Elephant and Piggy "Today I will Fly!", "Strictly No Elephants!", and a level reader "Little Cat, Big Cat". After reading these books we wrote a sentence and drew pictures of the problem and solution. This paper will be added to their work on writing choice for next week.

Accuracy: This week we learned about when 2 vowels go walking the first one does the talking, meaning with words like team, jeep, leaf, suit, soup, etc. we say the first vowel and not the second with the long vowel sound. We start the week off with watching a video about 2 vowels go walking then we introduce each word family for the week. This week we learned about the -ea and -ee word families.

Vocabulary: This week we read the story "Nicky and the Rainy Day". We learned the words impossible, jungle, blizzards, boring, cliffs, and meadow.In this story Nicky comes up with lots of very imaginative ways to spends their rainy day. His mother always says that it's impossible.

For a review on Thursday students used Duck Duck Moose Draw and Tell to describe something that is impossible. Here is an example.

iPads: This week students used Pebble Go to learn about a type of weather, then they used Adobe Voice to record facts about that type of weather. Students use pictures, words, and icons to show and record facts about their weather.

Writing: This week during Writer's Workshop we learned about plural nouns. We first watched a video that explained that when we are talking about more than one we add an s on the end of the word. After the video we completed a chart together where we wrote the word under the picture, then on the side with more than one we added the s to the end.

Later in the week we started reviewing opinion writing and we watched a movie trailer for the movie Sherlock Gnomes. After watching the trailer together as a class we wrote our opinion using the OREO planning page. Reminding students of the acronym (Opinion Reason Example Opinion) we began writing as a class while students had their own copies. After the planning page was finished I modeled how to take the planning page and create the final writing page. Students then went back to their tables and did the same.

Math: This week we continued learning about ways to make 10. This is a 2 week unit that we focus on because there are so many different strategies we use to find the answer. We started the week by learning about number bonds, which we use daily with our calendar journals. We used number bonds throughout the week to show ways to make 10. Then we used counters and showed how you can record ways to make 10 using Popplet on the ipad. As a class we showed the different ways to make 10 with counters while they watched how to make a popplet web using a picture of the counters and writing the addition sentence that matched.

Vocabulary: Our word this week was Number Bond. A number bond is a picture showing a way to make a number.

iPads: This week students used QR codes to scan and find an addition sentence with a missing addend. It might read 7+_=10. They then went to doodle buddy and used stamps in a tens frame to find the missing number. Students love using doodle buddy because they can chose their own stamps and be silly finding the missing number.

Content: This week we finished our weather unit with our TSC STEM project. This year we decided to incorporate our STEM activity with wind and have students create a sailboat that would carry a bear across water with the wind carrying it from one end of a tub to the other. Each day we built on background knowledge and understanding of the different materials they had to choose from. The first day we discussed wind and talked about ways we know that it is windy outside. We listened to the story "Here is the Wind". After reading we then talked about parts of a sailboat and what you need in order to have a sailboat.

The second day we conducted a sink/float test of materials they have to choose from for the boat. We tested foil, paper, and a pool noodle. After each material we discussed what we saw happen.

The third day we did a wind test to test materials they have to choose for the sail on their boat.

After the tests of materials students got with their partners and filled out their "shopping list". They were to discuss with their partners what materials they wanted for their sailboat. On Friday they worked hard at designing and building their sailboat. After 10 minutes of work time we tested the sailboats in a tub of water.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we learned about patience. We started the week off with reading the Elephant and Piggy book "Waiting Isn't Easy". We discuss how Gerald had to wait for a long time for Piggy's surprise and it was very hard for him. The second day we watched a short clip with Elmo and Zac Efron talking about what patience means. 

We also had a few extra fun exercises that helped us understand and practice patience. One day I offered every kiddo an oreo. They had the choice to take that oreo or if they wanted to wait I would give them 2 oreos at the end of the day. I offered them throughout the day and had some here and there decide to take their 1 oreo. I had quite a few kiddos go the entire day and earn 2 OREOS! They definitely showed patience with this activity. 

On Thursday we did egg races! This was a fun activity where I had 2 students race each other, however I waited a long time before saying "GO!" Students had to be patient and wait while taking their time around obstacles that I would put in their way. So much fun!

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -oa and -ui word families.
-learn how to visualize during read aloud. 

WritingStudents will...
-learn about pronouns.
-write their own movie/tv show review.

MathStudents will...
-learn about decomposing numbers into 2 ways.

ContentStudents will begin a 2 week unit on insects. We will also have the opportunity to watch live caterpillars transform into butterflies!! 

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