Nocturnal Animals

Poem: Muffin Man
Sight Words: had, do

Reading: Our comprehension strategy this week was make a mental image. Making a picture or mental image assists readers in understanding what they read by creating images in their mind, based on the details in the text and their prior knowledge. While reading I will not show the pictures and just read the words. After each page I will ask students what they think the picture looks like. This helps them to understand and listen to each page.

The word family this week was the -et word family. We went through our Prezi and found each -et word in the sentence. Later in the week we did our word hunt, where we use magnetic letters and chop the word and blend the sounds together. Hopefully a video of our word hunt will come next week when we have had more time to master!

We also added a new choice to Daily 5! This choice was Work on Writing. For this choice, students get their book box and choose a book they have read. They use the work on writing paper to illustrate the setting (where the characters are) and the characters (who the story is about). They are also encourage to use their sounds to write the word below under their picture.

We also started reading groups this week! Students are doing an awesome job at pointing at each word while they're reading. 

Writing: This week we learned about meatball and spaghetti spaces. Meatball spaces are spaces that are in between words and spaghetti spaces are spaces that are in between letters within words. It is very important to include these spaces so that it is easy for others to read.

Throughout the week, we reviewed true stories while finishing our class story about grandparents day and beginning a new story. We started by brainstorming a list of who we could write about in our own true story. I modeled thinking through topics, and writing the who on my first page. Students went back to then start their own true story.

Math: This week we had 4 vocabulary words that went with our learning this week: cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere. We watched the 3D shape video and made a chart listing the characteristics of each 3D shape. This is an important skill that will be tested this 9 weeks for the report card. Students need to know the name, how many faces (flat sides), how many vertices (points), and an example of that shape.

Later in the week we sorted real examples and then sorted food into 2D and 3D shapes and then classified each food as one of our shapes. It was a very yummy lesson at the end!

Content: This week we learned about nocturnal animals. We used Pebblego to learn about nocturnal animals the first day and discussed the main difference between animals that are nocturnal vs. diurnal. Then we did an animal sort into animals that are nocturnal and diurnal. We finished the week with a bat craft that included facts about bats.

This week we also celebrated Veteran's Day. We made little pendant banners decorated with tissue paper to place in the hallway for the Veterans who came to school on Friday. Mrs. Stearns directed a wonderful program for the school and the veterans in our community!

SEL: Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week we took time to talk and discuss the importance of following the rules. We started the week by reading the story, "What If Everybody Did That?" We discussed how important it is to think for ourselves and to not do something just because someone else did it. If it is wrong, we shouldn't do it. The next day we sorted picture cards into good and poor choices. If we are not following the rules we are making a poor choice. Later in the week we listened to the story "Clark the Shark" and made a chart of the rules in the classroom, specials, lunch, and recess. 

iPads: This week we started using ipads during our rotations. We started out simple by introducing RAZ Kids and ABC Spelling 1. RAZ Kids is a great app to introduce reading leveled books and the more books that are read will allow students to progress reading levels. ABC Spelling 1 is a great CVC (consonant vowel consonant) spelling app. Students see the picture and have to rearrange the letters in the correct order to spell the word.

Reading: Students will...
-learn words in the -ig family.
-analyze characters in stories.

Writing: Students will...
-learn to write a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.
-continue writing their own true story.

Math: Students will...
-learn the story of 1-5.
-understand the meaning of the word plus.

Content: Students will be learning about Native Americans and Pilgrims preparing for Thanksgiving. We will be talking about the differences between the two groups of people and the importance of each group.

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